History of The Breed
Northern Siberia, with its immense open frozen plains, was the home of a Mongol race of people called Samoyede. They were a very hardy race, yet good-natured, who lived a very nomadic life. They hunted and trapped food and moved according to the availability of fresh moss for their herd of reindeer.
These migratory keepers of reindeer owned “Bjelker” (white dogs that bred true) which they highly prized for the tasks they could perform. A Samoyed dog could be called upon to guard the ‘choom’, assist with bear hunting, haul sledges when required, pull boats along and across streams on the tundra and of course herd the reindeer, which was his first and most important task for the family.
Men of the tribe never fondled these dogs, but wives and children treated them as pets. Often used like a hot water bottle, they were summoned into the choom to keep family members warm. It is this close association with their owners that has given the breed a great love for human beings, it is said he is a ‘friend of man’ and this is perfectly true.
Through the constant companionship, both in the home and in the Arctic hunting grounds, a rugged yet gentle breed of dog developed which was as much at home inside the warm choom or outside in the freezing blizzards.
At Eskimoyed Samoyeds, we provide premium Samoyed puppies, raised with exceptional care and attention. Our dogs are well-socialized, embodying the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, and friendliness.